Another week has passed before us, like a breeze on a frosty December morning. The one moment you begin to appreciate its beauty, the next moment it has vanished. Doesn't that apply to life? Something is only appreciated once their is a possibility of it dissapearing? Nevermind...enough of my pragmatistic views.
My week has been amazing to say the least. I recieved the results of my first University exam and assignment. I managed to achieve a 1st in my exam and a 2.1 in my assignment! If you are familiar with the grading scheme to which the Universities follow, you will understand the cause of my happiness.
Differently, but by no means less extrodinary, I have released a damning song about the video host on YouTube: VEVO, expressing my annoyance of its 30 second adverts and false copyright claims which can be viewed below:
I hope my dissaproval of VEVO is shared with all of you, but let us not dwell on matters that "piss on the parade". As i'm sure you are all aware, Christmas is getting closer, festive songs are gracing our airwaves and mulled wine is being stocked for the seasonal celebrations in weeks to come.
What I would like to know is when it is acceptable to hang the decorations and place the Christmas tree in the living room!
Until next week,
December 1st it's time to sort out the tree & decorations....ours is already up.